Due to gaps between and within EU gender and migration policy that we organized a working conference on reimagining the recent EU Gender Equality Strategy (2020-2025) with the collaboration and partnership of Center for Migration, Gender and Justice
Moderated by Anila Noor, opening Speech by Halleh Ghorashi
High-level panel: Moderated by Shada Islam
and with incredible participation from incredible women:
Jean Lambert Former MEP, UK Green Party
Mary Coulter Counsellor, Mission of Canada to the EU
Nuria Diez Guardia Policy Officer European Commission DG HOME
Caroline Dulin Brass, Senior Officer, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency
Shaza Alrihawi Interim Chair and Co-founder, @Global Refugee-led Network and @Global Independent Refugee Women Leaders
Discussing our Themes:
1. Freedom from violence and stereotypes:
2. Education, Decent Work, and Social Protection
3. Health and well-being
4. Inclusivity, belonging, and community
In the attached guidance note you will find Policy Context, gaps and recommendations