Cofe tables talk
Feminist leaders from climate affected countries and displacement settings provide critical information to COP28
Feminist Leadership for Climate Justice
The Cofe Tables Talk is a project led by New Women Connectors that aims to gather feminist leaders from climate-affected countries and from displacement settings to provide critical information for COP. It promotes rethinking traditional climate change responses and provides a safe space - especially for women - to share ideas and incubate projects.
Though New Women Connectors is honored to have been invited to COP, we are disappointed by the lack of representation of women, and especially women from displacement settings, from climate affected countries and/or from grassroots organizations. We therefore take it as our mission to collect their perspectives - the challenges they face and the solutions they find to cope with it - and bring their voices to the high-level international decision making summit that is COP.
Meaningful participation and inclusive planning, informed by cultural values, Indigenous Knowledge, local knowledge, and scientific knowledge can help address adaptation gaps and avoid maladaptation. Such actions with flexible pathways may encourage low-regret and timely actions. Integrating climate adaptation into social protection programmes, including cash transfers and public works programmes, would increase resilience to climate change, especially when supported by basic services and infrastructure.
Where COPs have been the platform for Governments, International Organisations, International Financial Institutions, Intergovernmental Organisations, and the like, the Feminist CoFe Tables Talk provide spaces for the missing stakeholders on the climate change tables and high-level dialogs - women and grassroots organizations that are amongst the first affectees and first responders to effects of climate change.
The CoFe Tables Talk outcome are:
Online panel discussions - ‘How can we achieve climate justice?’ & ‘What would feminist leadership for climate justice look like?’
New Women Connectors at COP28: an event on ‘Feminist Leadership in Climate Action in the Context of Displacement and Migration’ and a reflection paper 'Insights from within COP28 in Dubai’
A statement following COP28 from the CoFe Tables Talk community: ‘Closing statement with insights and Impacts from COP28’
The publishing of policy briefs with outcomes of panel discussions
Click on the brochure below to open a pdf version. You are welcome to download and spread this brochure for more people to be aware of the CoFe Tables Talk project!
Are you interested in this project or have questions about it?
Please reach out to our Feminist Lead for Climate Justice Seyran Khalili or to our Communication Officer Julz Natri
This project is taking place from April 2023 to March 2024. It was thought of and founded by New Women Connectors, in collaboration with SEEK Feminist Research Network. It is today led by New Women Connectors, with the support of SEEK Feminist Research Network and in collaboration with Global Refugee Network, Refugee Led Network, Oxfam, IMatter, RW Welfare Society, Debbie Kauna Foundation, She Changes Climate, European Coalition for Migrants and Refugees, and Associacion Kudwa.